Discord+Notion Bot

5 min readJul 10, 2021

Discord is the modern party house.

It is very important to be updated with the latest trends. As COVID-19 hit the social life badly, major population switched to Discord servers to interact and have fun. As we had created our server, we felt the need of having our own specialized bots so that it adds value to the server.

In case you weren’t aware, robots have taken over. Having chat bots run your Discord servers is incredible since you can focus on what’s important. Keeping this in mind and taking into consideration our daily usage of Notion for managing resources and making notes, we thought of creating a discord bot that consumes Notion API to add and retrieve data from Notion databases.

Now, how to use this bot?


a) Install all the requirements using pip3 install -r requirements.txt
b) Create a discord bot using the developer platform of discord and obtain your OAuth2 token. Keep it somewhere safe.
c) Go to Notion and create a new Integration https://www.notion.so/my-integrations. Note the internal Integration.
d) Go to Notion and create a table like this:


Add the following 4 columns :

  • Contributor is of property type Title
  • URL of ‘url’ type
  • Title of text type
  • Tag of multi-select type

e) Click on the three dots and press Open as page.

Opening the notion.so file

f) Then press share and copy the URL. The URL will look something like this: https://www.notion.so/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX?v=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Extracting from the link

Note down the X part of the URL(RED part). This is your database ID.
g) Also press share again, press Invite and then click on the integration you made earlier.
h) Google Drive setup: All physical files or PDF files from links are downloaded on a google drive folder of your choice.

Setup Procedure:
a) Follow the README file located in the GitHub repo.
b) Move the credentials.json file and token.json to the creds folder in the Bot folder.
c) Now go to google drive and create a folder. The link of folder will be something like this https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ID.
d) Note the ID down. This will be the id of the folder where all files will be stored. Also share the folder accordingly.
f) Now on the terminal of your machine:

If you want your prefix to be something else other than '/' then
$export PREFIX=<Your Desired character>

Running Procedure

a) Now simply go into the Bot folder and run: $python3 bot.py
b)On the discord developer site copy the OAuth2 link and paste it in the browser and invite it to a server you own/have permissions to do so.
c) Bot Usage:
Adding Record:
/add <URL_YOU_WANT_TO_RECORD> => This will add a new record to your database with a misc tag.
/add <URL_YOU_WANT_TO_RECORD> <TAG> => This will add a new record to your database with the <TAG> tag.

For multiple tags: /add <URL_YOU_WANT_TO_RECORD> <TAG>,<TAG1>,<TAG2>

Sample database populated by the bot

Searching records through tags:

/search <Tag1>
For multiple tags: /search <Tag1> <Tag2>.....<TagN>

Example (1)
Example (2)

Deleting records through tags:

/delete <Tag 1>
For multiple tags: /delete <Tag 1> <Tag2>......<Tag N>


Initial Database
Deleting the record
Final Database

Uploading Files:

NOTE: In the below images the prefix used is: !

You can upload any file to the notion database. It can be a PDF, PNG, JPEG etc.
In the example below, a PNG file is being uploaded.
a) Drag your file to the chat in discord.

b) Add comment to the file you uploaded.

Here memoji and profile-pic are tags for the file

c) It will then ask the title of the file you uploaded.

d) Now the file will uploaded on the google drive folder which you mentioned above.
e) The database will be updated.

The link will open file in Google Drive

If your team is using Discord and looking for database management bot, Notion bot is here for you! You can access all the open source repositories of this bot on GitHub and docker-hub and in fact invite it to your server as well since it is verified by Discord. That’s pretty amazing, right?

The above example is fulfilled by accessing our GitHub repository:

Instead of running the discord bot via python and exporting environment variables you can use our docker image.


Written by AdamayMann007

Programmer, Reader, Creator, Love Music and Food

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